This playlist focuses on the orchestra of Angel D’Agostino
This is one of my very favorite orchestras. The music is melodic, and the vocalist most associated with D’Agostino’s orchestra, Angel Vargas is one of the best.
The vocalists of this time were able to make you feel like they were from the humble background the songs are about, even when they grew up in more middle class situations. They sing like they are telling you the story of their life, the emotion feels authentic and real. With a talented singer like Vargas you feel the emotion even when you don’t know the lyrics.
D’Agostino is the pianist on the orchestra, his style is distinctive with a strong walking bass as important as the bass violin. His piano playing is relaxed and open, not dominating the sound of the orchestra. There is so much to dance to in these recordings. Enjoy them and I think this will become one of your favorite orchestras too.